Arniflora Arnica Gel relieves pain, bruising and stiffness of muscle injuries due to accidents, jaw surgery, or general, falling, hypersensitivity of the muscles or sports injuries. It is effective and the preparation of medicines by 8% tincture of Arnica montana (mountain daisy), used for centuries to the aftereffects of falls, blows, sports injuries and overexertion relief. It is a favorite for trainers, coaches and athletes because it helps the bruises of the bruises disappear faster and temporarily relieves pain, swelling and stiffness caused by muscle trauma and physical overload.
Arniflora Arnica Gel contains no harsh chemicals, no aspirin or acetaminophen, one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and animal products, or petroleum. It can be used with confidence and is known for its safety and efficacy by physicians, pharmacists, plastic surgeons, chiropractors and restoration.
Quick for relieving muscle pain and stiffness. Natural topical painkiller. Arniflora is a modern pharmaceutical preparation containing 8% tincture of Arnica Montana. Arnica montana tincture is a medicine used for centuries to the consequences of falls, blows and sports injuries and overexertion relief. Makes bruises disappear faster and relieves pain, swelling and stiffness caused by physical trauma. It is a favorite of coaches, athletes and coaches. Immediately after excessive exercise or receiving a minor injury, apply Arnica Gel to ward off pain, stiffness and bruises.
Related Search Term: Arniflora Wholesale
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